Our Innovation

Our Innovation

Future-focused and doing things differently

Numedico sets itself apart from others in the industry through collaboration and strong partnerships. We’ve built a community around each of our technologies within the safety medical devices industry. This is achieved at all levels of our business – including suppliers, distributors, customers, end users, health organisations and patients. Our partnerships help us to fully understand the challenges and guide our research and development into new possible opportunities. 

The medtech, medical safety and medical devices industry is fast paced, exciting, innovative, and dynamic. Our future focus is driven by a desire to improve healthcare and to find the best and safest solutions to suit our customer’s needs now and tomorrow. We work closely with other companies, medical organisations and research/science-based units to explore what’s possible. We push ourselves to search beyond what is available today so we can be proactive and responsive to the changing demands of our customers. 

This includes safety in medical technology and its application, home health care innovations and sustainable solutions to managing regulated medical waste.

Numedico sets itself apart through internal R&D and strong partnerships.

Numedico and ResearchSat together are exploring novel drug delivery in space

If you would like to speak to Numedico about your technology, innovation or product and how we can potentially partner with you, please contact us: sales@numedico.com.au

In keeping with its mission to search beyond what is available today and to strive towards what is possible tomorrow, Numedico Science Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Numedico Technologies Pty Ltd, has committed to a collaborative partnership with space medtech start-up ResearchSat to explore and expand the development of novel drug delivery methods and therapeutics. 

As a global participant in the drug delivery market with safety and sustainability at its core, Numedico is focused on exploring the possibilities for alternative drug delivery methods with ResearchSat, engaging space satellite technology in this research pursuit.

In this collaboration ResearchSat will be developing “Double Emulsion Microfluidic Chip” which generates fluid droplets – one droplet inside another droplet. One of main challenges they’ll be solving is to optimise the chip for macro droplet size and enable it to operate in space environoment. This technology helps to encapsulate drugs in desired quality and quantities. ResearchSat will concurrently be developing an advanced Random Positioning Machine to simulate microgravity effects on microbes and fluids. 

As background, a space satellite provides a unique environment with extreme environmental variables enabling the acceleration of life-science research. This environment is a catalyst to fast track experiments to develop, refine, and then apply, alternative ways to administer medicine while reducing industry risks. This technology is set to improve efficiency in how drugs are delivered and digested as well as reduce painful delivery methods.  The objective is to transform the lives and health of millions of people who administer medication everyday including diabetics and people who suffer blood pressure.

Founder and CEO Neville Calvert of Numedico said of the venture:

‘Space is the most suitable frontier available to understand how we can reduce risks, increase efficiency, and create better ways to deliver medicine into the human biology. As a company that believes in providing the best possible solutions to the challenges our industry faces, this partnership fills me with excitement and anticipation for what is possible.’

ResearchSat, which specialises in medical space research and drug delivery design, is thrilled to work with an Australian company to bring this research and technology to life. 

Founder and CEO ReviTeja Duggineri commented:

‘Developing novel thearpeutics in space is not only intellectually stimulating but feasible and profitable as space provides a completely unique and favourable environment that cannot be replicated on earth. In space we can push the boundaries of what is possible. It is the way of the future and those that invest in this vision will lead the way in medtech.